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Taxes Silver State Style

ImageI’ve spent the last few years working as a dancer for casinos and related live entertainment firms in Las Vegas.  I just got tired of the high paced lifestyle, which was very tiresome.  There were many nights that I came home and literally didn’t have energy to do anything else but turn out the lights and crawl into bed.  As I got older I just didn’t want that kind of life for myself and my future family.  Some of my friends encouraged me to join them and move to Lake Tahoe.  It was colder, but the quality of life was more the style I was seeking.  I told them I wasn’t sure if I wanted that dramatic a change.  While I was tired of the hustle of a growing city like Vegas, I think I was more interested in being in a smaller city, not necessarily a rural area.


So I decided to explore moving to Reno, which is the next largest city in the state, but still quite small and relaxed when compared to Vegas.  I really liked Reno because it was not far from the state capital, was home to one of the branch campuses of the state university, and just an all-around great place to live.  My friends encouraged me in my decision and they told me that at least I’d be closer to them.  Having to drive five or more hours to see me in Vegas was a little hard on them after their move.  Once I got settled in town, my friends from Lake Tahoe encouraged me to find a Reno CPA to help me out with my tax strategy.  I decided to start a home based business in Reno, mostly consulting with casino managers and related businesses that provided live entertainment.  I did some of that work in Vegas but never really built it into a business.  Now I had the time to do so.


I found a CPA within a few weeks of my move, scheduled an appointment, and spoke with them about my tax concerns.  I wanted to make sure that I was paying the required taxes to the federal government while keeping all the revenue I was entitled to.  Since I live in Nevada and there is no state income tax for people or businesses, I didn’t have to worry about the state government wanting a piece of my revenue outside of the general business licenses.  My CPA provided lots of helpful tips, including advice on when to purchase items so they can be counted as deductible expenses for my business.  I was really excited to get working on building my business and now I had a CPA who could help me do so the right way!


Within a few months I started to build a great reputation among casino managers and live entertainment firms not just in Reno, but outside Nevada.  I hadn’t thought about the fact that there were lots of casinos on Native American reservations and that many of them needed help with finding good talent.  With travel and other obligations, I was so busy and making so much money that I ended up having to hire an assistant.  My Reno CPA was able to help me with each additional step along the way.  I was so happy that I listened to my friends and contacted a professional.  Ashely Quinn CPAs offers really good information on how to think about tax planning issues.

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